Hoci som dnes toho veľa nejedla, rozhodla som sa, že si budem prídavať každý utorok food-post a tu je v poradí tretí. Dnes som vstávala dosť skoro, pretože som mala o pol 9 skúšku z angličtiny. Pripravila som si moje tradičné raňajky: ovsené vločky s musli aktíviou, hrozienkami a banánom.
Spokojná som sa po skúške vybrala do obchodov a po namáhavých 2 hodinách hľadania tých pravých topánok, som si po ceste na internát kúpila sultán kebab. Nakoniec som sa nevedela rozhodnúť medzi 2 balerínkami a v návale nákupnej horúčky kúpila obe :D Tie spodné sú pastelovo oranžové. (Môj otrasný prst na prvej fotke si nevšímajte, chýbajú mi vitamíny :( )
Popoludnie som strávila učením sa na ďalšiu skúšku, takže som ako vždy maškrtila :D Ale vstúpila som si do svedomia a išla to spáliť do fitka :D
Počas editovania fotiek a prípravy článku som si ešte dala tuniaka s chlebíkom a rajčinkou.
Although I didn´t eat much today, I´ve decided to add a food-post every Tuesday. So here is the third one. Today I woke up really early, cause I had an exam from English language at 8:30 am . I made my traditional breakfast: oatmeal with musli activia yogurt, raisins and banana.
Happy after the exam I went to shopping centre and after tiring 2 hours spent by looking for the right shoes I bought a sultan kebab during my way to the dormitory. Eventually, I couldn´t make my mind between 2 shoes, so while having a shopping fever I bought them both. The under one are pastel orange. (Don't look at my terrible finger on the first pic, I miss vitamins :( )
I spent most of the afternoon by learning for another exam, so I ate some sweets as always :D But my self-conscience wasn´t calm so I went to the gym to burn it. While editing and preparing an article I got a tuna with a slice of bread and tomato.
Happy after the exam I went to shopping centre and after tiring 2 hours spent by looking for the right shoes I bought a sultan kebab during my way to the dormitory. Eventually, I couldn´t make my mind between 2 shoes, so while having a shopping fever I bought them both. The under one are pastel orange. (Don't look at my terrible finger on the first pic, I miss vitamins :( )
I spent most of the afternoon by learning for another exam, so I ate some sweets as always :D But my self-conscience wasn´t calm so I went to the gym to burn it. While editing and preparing an article I got a tuna with a slice of bread and tomato.