


Ahojte líčka. Na hodine angličtiny sme dostali za úlohu napísať úvahu na tému úspech. Písanie úvah ma vždy veľmi bavilo,pretože je to super spôsob ako sa zamyslieť nad životom a rôznymi vecami a skvelá cesta k sebapoznávaniu. Samozrejme, ako je u mňa zvykom, som presiahla zadané množstvo slov (200) a stále sa mi zdá úvaha veľmi stručná. Rozhodla som sa však podeliť sa s mojím pohľadom aj s vami a možno vás aj trošku naviesť, aby ste sa zamysleli, čo práve pre vás znamená byť v živote úspešný. :)

Hello cheeks. We had a homework to write an essey about success for english lesson. I´ve always loved writing esseys because it´s a good way to think about life and other stuff and great for self-recognition. Of course, as usual, I didn´t manage to write only 200 words (fixed amount) and it is still very brief for me. However, I decided to share my point of view with you and maybe to guide you a little bit to think about what being successful means to you. :)


Nowadays, many people is becoming frustrated because they do not meet expectations of someone else just because they do not share the same vision of how to have a successful life. But what exactly is the success? In general, being successful is the achievement of desired visions and planned goals which can bring us wealth, prosperity and fame.

For me, the success  means to have these 4 things in my life. The most important thing is a healthy relationship full of love, support and trust. The relationship  in which people do not stunt each other but help to grow together.

Positivity is the key. Bad things happen all the time. But for me being positive is the way how to deal with things and how to always find something good in tough times. Not mentioning that only positive thoughts can bring desired results

I have always dreamed about job that I will not do only for earning money but also because it allows me to develop my skills, to be creative and to do not fall into the monotony and routine.

And the last but not least, thing that really makes me happy is travelling.  Meeting new cultures, places, people, gastronomy and life stories is what helps my soul to grow.

As a conclusion, I would say that for having successful life you need to find out what you want from life and go for it. Do not deal with negativity and hatred, but be happy and spread the happiness around. It will make all of the world more successful. Being happy equals being successful

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